Welcome to MiscDotGeek

Welcome to MiscDotGeek! If it’s geeky, it’ll be here eventually. QRP, home brewing (electronics, not beer), welding, bicycles, and more. If I’ve dabbled in it, you’re bound to find a post about it here.

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A Custom VFO with a Custom PCB from PCBWay, and BITX Rebuild Update

As the BITX40 Rebuild gets closer to completion, I find myself wondering if I'll ever be fully finished with it, or if it will continue as a years long project. I suspect the latter, but ...

JS8 Ragchew vs. Heartbeat

Post Updated 9/9/21 to address comments both here and on Facebook that had some great points! Updated again 12/28/21 so as to avoid quoting an on air QSO. While monitoring JS8 on 40 meters I ...

BITX Rebuild Update and Exciting News!

Just a quick update on the BITX rebuild. You'll notice that I'm not calling it a BITX40 anymore. And, there's some exciting news I'd like to share about a neat new placing you'll be seeing ...

Prototyping with Corrugated Plastic and Hot Glue

While taking a look at the latest Solder Smoke Blog posts, I ran into This Post where Bill mentions how much he loves using a wood board- so much so that he might not even ...

BITX40 Rebuild Part 3: Back On The Air!

In the July 2020 update, I made mention that my BITX40 BITX'd the dust, so to speak. Receive worked, but transmit failed. In Part 1 of the BITX40 Rebuild series I talked about the history ...