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A Custom VFO with a Custom PCB from PCBWay, and BITX Rebuild Update
As the BITX40 Rebuild gets closer to completion, I find myself wondering if I'll ever be fully finished with it, or if it will continue as a years long project. I suspect the latter, but ...
JS8 Ragchew vs. Heartbeat
Post Updated 9/9/21 to address comments both here and on Facebook that had some great points! Updated again 12/28/21 so as to avoid quoting an on air QSO. While monitoring JS8 on 40 meters I ...
BITX Rebuild Update and Exciting News!
Just a quick update on the BITX rebuild. You'll notice that I'm not calling it a BITX40 anymore. And, there's some exciting news I'd like to share about a neat new placing you'll be seeing ...
Prototyping with Corrugated Plastic and Hot Glue
While taking a look at the latest Solder Smoke Blog posts, I ran into This Post where Bill mentions how much he loves using a wood board- so much so that he might not even ...
BITX40 Rebuild Part 3: Back On The Air!
In the July 2020 update, I made mention that my BITX40 BITX'd the dust, so to speak. Receive worked, but transmit failed. In Part 1 of the BITX40 Rebuild series I talked about the history ...