Update 5/11/2020: Article updated to reflect correct information regarding band availability Ever since HF Signals discontinued the BITX40, there’s been a gap in the available SSB QRP kits out there. Sure, there’s the uBITX, but that’s more complicated multi-band radio. For a beginner, a single band radio is easier to build and understand. Thankfully, the …
Category: BITX Easy
Feb 29
The BITX Easy is Almost Here!
5/10/20: Updated information here: https://miscdotgeek.com/bitx-easy-more-details-tentative-pricing-and-release-date/ Hey everyone, been pretty busy and haven’t had a chance to keep up with some developments on the BITX Easy, but Sunil has been posting some tantalizing pictures on Facebook the last few days. If you’re not familiar with the BITX Easy, check out these posts:https://miscdotgeek.com/the-bitx-easy-more-details-emerge/https://miscdotgeek.com/the-bitx40-is-dead-long-live-the-bitx40/ Sunil has posted pictures …
Dec 14
QSX Update and Winter Project Ideas
Most of us have been waiting patiently for the QSX, but some have been waiting a little less patiently. Unfortunately this has put a lot of pressure on Hans over at QRP Labs, but he’s stood his ground: It’ll be ready when it’s ready, because quality comes first. And to that we say, bravo! Given …
Nov 25
BITX40 VFO/BFO with Arduino
Last year I wrote that Arduino was so easy, but I didn’t really follow up on that. A few days ago, RC (KE6BGN) commented that he was wondering if any progress had been made on the Arduino based VFO/BFO for the BITX40. There has been, and I have made a short video for your viewing …
Nov 15
The Bitx Easy: More Details Emerge!
5/10/20: Updated information here: https://miscdotgeek.com/bitx-easy-more-details-tentative-pricing-and-release-date/ In a recent post “The BITX40 is dead. Long Live the BITX40!” we talked about the demise of the HFSignals.com version of the BITX40, and offered some details about a different BITX kit that is coming out soon: The Bitx Easy. We’ve been able to get some more details about …
Oct 29
The BITX40 is dead. Long Live the BITX40!
In December 2016, Ashhar Farhan and the company HF Signals in India released the BITX40, a simple SSB radio for 40 meter HF. For $45, one could buy the kit with its preassembled board and minimal soldering required to be on the air. Soon after, it was packaged with an Arduino/si5351 based digital tuning mechanism …