The BITX40 FAQ All around the web folks are asking questions about the BITX40v3. This is my attempt to answer the most common questions raised. I am not affiliated with or anybody who is. If you have your own question about the BITX40, leave a comment below and I’ll be glad to answer it. …
Category: Foo
May 19
Adventures in GitHub (and why I just use Bash)
First let me say- I am not a software developer. But, I’ve written several scripts for system administration of Linux servers. You might say they are programs, but if you ask me, they’re just elaborate one-liners that outgrew the the command line! But they have indeed grown, and one of them is 250 lines at …
May 10
Garage Sale Find: Sangean ATS 505
The Find: A Sangean ATS 505 Shortwave Radio Ah, garage sale season. I love it! There are a number of things I look out for specifically when going to garage sales but I’ve been on the prowl for a shortwave radio for years. Over the weekend, I ran across a Sangean ATS-505. It was in a …
May 05
Adventures in Servers, Part II
In my previous post I mentioned that as a result of a company-wide layoff, my company-supplied server was going to go away. What to do? I think I got it all covered. I wrote up the majority of my adventure at Tidbits For Techs, my Other Blog where I talk about the grittier side of …
Mar 26
Adventures in Servers
So, the site is loading on its new server. DNS is setup, the whole bit. I’m using Virtualmin on CentOS 7. Previously, I was using a VPS provided by my employer, but they are laying off their remote workforce, and so my server, and my job, are going away. It’s time that I had an …
Sep 13
Living like Thoreau.. not all it’s cracked up to be?
This article captures the essence of desire that lurks in many of us- to get away from it all and enjoy the peace and quiet in solitude. As a bona-fide introvert, one of my most memorable camping trips was solo. But this woman did more than that. She lived in the Alaskan wilderness and captured …
Jul 23
Do you remember the Amiga computer?
When I was a kid in the mid 80’s, I had a friend named Gerald. He was a couple of years older than me, and therefore much cooler by default. We had two major things in common: Legos and Computers. We both had legos, but he had a much cooler computer. I had a TRS-80 Color …
Jul 18
So I built an AC Welder from Microwave Oven Transformers.
When I tell people that I built my own welder, I usually get mixed responses. Some people say “Wow, COOL!” and others look at me and probably wonder where the bodies are hidden. Truthfully, my quest to build my own welder started when I didn’t have the money to buy one and desired to learn …
Jun 19
Slashdot is officially Dead to me.
To my friends over at, has been dead for a long time. But, I admit, for over a year I’ve frequented both sites. Today, that ended. The level of stories has sunk to new lows and new levels of idiocy. But that’s not what did it. Yes, I have more junk to sort …
Jun 12
Garage Sale Stella Part IV: A New Hope
Although it isn’t legitimately a “Stella” guitar, I sure do like the name. So it’s staying. In Part II, “Pain in the (guitar) neck reset” I explained the problem with the neck and how I was going to go about fixing it. In Part III, “Kamikaze” Neck Reset, I showed you how I used a saw to perform …