Category: JT65

Dual Band BITX40 Project Update

I’ve written about putting together a dual band BITX40 in the past and the methods I used had varying success. The idea was to augment the built in filters with switched in/out add-on filters from QRP-Labs. This is a sound idea, but the layout of Low Pass Filter on the BITX40 really didn’t allow it …

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W7RLF talks BITX on Amateur Radio Roundtable with Tom, W5KUB and Dave KE0OG

On January 2nd 2018 I was honored to be a guest on Tom Medlin’s Amateur Radio Roundtable over at   Dave Casler KE0OG, Tom and I discussed various BITX40 and uBITX questions: Are the BITX radio beginner friendly? Is it hard to get contacts on the air? Are there cases available for those who …

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BITX40 PTT Enhancement for Digital or CW

The BITX40 PTT is a simple circuit: A switch grounds out the PTT Relay and the transceiver goes into transmit. As a stripped down SSB radio, this works fine and is simple and uses few parts. Why modify it? The challenge is that the PTT circuit is not solid state. The PTT circuit is just …

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BITX40 Case Build: W7RLF

I recently took delivery of a BangGood Instrument Case, which sells for about $10. Many BITX40 owners have used this case to good effect. It’s big enough for the BITX40 with some room to spare, and the price is right. Being plastic, some consider it inferior as a radio case, but for me it’s a …

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BITX40: Vox for digital modes

Last week I talked about Going Digital with JT65 on the BITX40. In that article I mentioned that to key the radio automatically either a computer interface  or a Vox circuit would be needed. It was my intention to use a vox circuit. I posted to my usual haunt, the BITX40v3 group on Facebook and asked …

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BITX40: Going Digital with JT65

Last week I posted about adding Upper Sideband to the BITX40, which is not an Upper Sideband radio. Once I got that modification done, I could clearly hear the JT65 signals on 7.076mhz, but… what were they saying? It was time to dive into the world of Digital HF! What is JT65? Simply put, digital …

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