Category: Linux

Adventures in Hard Drives

Western Digital Crispy Taters

“I don’t have time for backups.” These are the words spoken by those who have not yet lost data that they cared about. Most people undervalue their data, but when it is gone they realize how much work it’ll take to replace it, if it’s replaceable at all. Having seen several people go through this, I …

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What is a Container? And how is it different than a Virtual Machine?

What is a Container? How is it different than a Virtual machine? I’ve been wondering about this- I see lots of hype about how great containers are but I really didn’t understand them. Mind you, I don’ t need to understand them, professionally or otherwise. But still, I like keeping up on what’s new. This article …

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This is why you should run your own DNS

It would seem that for a couple of major west coast cities (Seattle, San Francisco), things weren’t so Comcastic, as hardware failure caused Comcast’s DNS services to fail. This overloaded the remaining DNS servers, causing DNS resolution failure. This means that any DNS lookups failed or just timed out, and that nobody could get to …

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