Last year I posted about a small hobby welder that I’d picked up for only $15. In That Post I showed how nasty and gnarly it was, and a bit about what needed to be done to make it a working welder. Now, hold that thought!
In another post I also wrote about how I built a DIY recumbent bicycle and how I nearly killed myself on it. If you haven’t read that, go have a look Right Here.
Things have been pretty crazy around here, but I have finally got most of the pieces needed to start another recumbent build! Check out the video below for the beginnings and also to learn about an AMAZING resource for learning how to build your own recumbent bicycle for a fraction of the price of a commercial bike or trike.
So go check out and pick up some of their plans! Also be sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel and blog for updates on the Trike build as it comes along. Check back soon for another update!