Things have been pretty hectic here at Chez Geek, but I’ve made some time this month to work on a new project. Now that the QCX Mini 20 is all fixed up, and I’m making inroads in learning CW, it’s time for a dedicated “spare” antenna.
My station has been single-antenna since I restarted radio in 2016. One long end fed random wire has been the source of all my transmissions, and now that I have the QCX Mini 20 up and running, I have really wanted a dedicated antenna so that I’d not have to take my other radio offline.
A couple of years back I built a EARCHI 9:1 Unun but never really finished it. In the following video, see how I put it in an enclosure, add another end fed to my antenna pole, learn a hilarious lesson about steel leader line, and then test the SWR in the next video. The third video shows some experimentation with a homemade capacitor that might get used in an L-Match tuner.
Also, if you haven’t already, please subscribe to the MiscDotGeek YouTube Channel. We’d really appreciate it. Thanks!
Add a tab of material to move and then cut a slit into come packing foam. Add a little glue to the top and bottom boards. The foam presses them together