Edited 12/13/20 to reflect the move to Groups.io from Facebook
Today I wanted to post about a new SDR project called “Backpack SDR” that’s taking shape. Since August, Keith Myles, VE3IFT has been sharing pictures of his Backpack SDR transceiver project on the Amateur QRP Radio group on Facebook:
What is the Backpack SDR?
The Backpack SDR is an HF transceiver project that is based on the Teensy 4.0 or 4.1 MCU. It uses as many off-the-shelf parts as it can in order to keep the build simple and also keep costs down. It’s not a budget build, per se, but the basic mono-band Backpack SDR can be built for under $200.
When Keith shared the pictures above, they immediately generated interest, not because the transceiver is particularly a new concept, but because of the way it’s designed. While many projects are monolithic in that the technology is all specific to the project, Keith has designed his Backpack SDR project to make use of modules. In fact, the name “Backpack” refers to its construction, not portability!
Backpack SDR: How hard to build?
With some basic soldering skills, some wiring, and some firmware (as easy as an Arduino sketch, as far as I can tell) an SDR is born. The Receiver module, filters, and 10W PA all come from QRP Labs (see links below) and the rest can be had on either Amazon, Banggood.com, or eBay.
How to Learn More
Are you interested in learning more? First, join the “Keiths_SDR” Groups.io list.. Instructions, firmware, and assistance are available there. If it looks like something you’d like to do, then the majority (if not all) of the parts are listed below from the three vendors previously mentioned:
Parts List:
Part | Amazon Link (or Other) | Bangood Link | Ebay Link |
Instrument Case 200mm x 175mm x 70mm | Amazon | Bangood | Ebay |
Instrument Case 100x275x230mm | N/A | Bangood | Ebay |
Teensy 4.0 (Mono Band) | Amazon PJRC.com | ||
Teensy 4.1 (If you're going multi-band) | Amazon PJRC.com | ||
3.5" LCD Screen Module TFT 3.5inch SPI Serial 480 x 320 ILI9488 | Amazon | Ebay | |
Teensy Audio Interface Board | Amazon | Ebay | |
QRP Labs Modules | Receiver Module 10W HF Linear Amplifier Ultimate LPF Switch (can be used for BPF too) Band Pass Filter Low Pass Filter | ||
Si5351 Breakout board or module | QRP Labs Si5351 Synth Module Amazon | Bangood | Ebay |
Veroboard/Stripboard | Amazon | Ebay | |
Pin Header Kit | Amazon | Bangood | Ebay |
Right Angle 2x40 Pin Headers | Amazon | Ebay | |
Stackable Shield Header Kit | Amazon | ||
Dupont Wire Kit | Amazon | Bangood | Ebay |
Photoelectric Rotary Encoder | Amazon | Bangood | |
Mechanical Rotary Encoder | Amazon | Bangood |
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You did not mention the control knob.
I have bought the uSDX kit. It will be my summer holiday project.
You’re right- the knob is missing. But any knob will work, it’s builders choice 🙂
Is there any way to see his Arduino Script? I have avoided using Facebook, for obvious reasons. I would like to see if I can compile his SDR code.
For now, all the info is limited to the Facebook group as far as I know. Perhaps someday it’ll be on github or another repo.
I agree…too bad the code if being hosted on a parasitic site like fb…I s**t canned my fb account two years ago so I’ve asked my brother to go check out this forum is see what code/schematics/etc that he can find! I thoroughly enjoy your site Mr. Flowers!
Thanks for the comment, and I’m glad that my ponderings on my radio meanderings have been enjoyable. Much appreciated!