Although it isn’t legitimately a “Stella” guitar, I sure do like the name. So it’s staying. In Part II, “Pain in the (guitar) neck reset” I explained the problem with the neck and how I was going to go about fixing it. In Part III, “Kamikaze” Neck Reset, I showed you how I used a saw to perform …
Category: Music
Jun 07
“Kamikaze” Neck Reset
Welcome to Post III in the Stella Garage Sale Guitar series. I picked up the guitar at a sale for $20, and it was unplayable. In this Previous Post I talked about what the problem with the guitar is, and outlined the plan to fix it. The first step was to get a saw that …
May 24
Garage Sale Stella: Pain in the (guitar) neck reset
Neck Reset for Dummies The awesome thing about the guitar is that it came with a half decent case that my other guitar fits in. The not so awesome thing is that it’s downright impossible to play. The action (the distance from the fretboard to the strings) is so high (far) that simply pressing down …
May 17
Garage Sale Stella 12 String Guitar
Got this at a garage sale over the weekend, and the first thing I did was break a string trying to tune it! I got some new strings from Amazon and strung it up, and it plays! Here are some pictures. [huge_it_slider id=”6″] The guitar is a Silvertone 319.66609, and is one of hundreds of …