Giveaway Closed
Entries have been closed as promised at 5PM PDT on April 17th- Thanks for coming in, and check the comments below for some great reasons to get a QCX 🙂
Please see to see who won!
Original Post
I try to avoid headlines with exclamation marks, but this one deserves it!
MiscDotGeek is giving away the a legendary QRP Labs QCX Kit. What’s a QCX? It’s QRP Labs’ 5W QRP CW Transceiver. It can also transmit most of the modes that the U3S can as a beacon. It’s a great kit. Thousands have been built and put on the air, and if you haven’t tried one, or if you want one on another band, now’s your chance get one free!
How to Enter The Giveaway
To enter to win the QCX, Follow the two steps below:
Step 1
Subscribe to You can find the Subscribe link in the top right corner of the site as shown here:
Step 2
Leave a comment below to tell us what you’ll do with your QCX.
That’s it!
The Giveaway will close on April 17 2020 at 5PM PDT (One week from the time of this post) and a winner will be chosen at random from the entries by using an online random thing chooser. We’ll post the winner in a new post at that time.
Anyone is eligible as long as you live somewhere that QRP Labs can ship to. You can see their shipping information Here.
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Travel around the UK in our motorhome finding low qrm locations with great take off
I would want the 20m version to use camping.
Since I get your emails I am sure I am already subscribe to your page. Juddie WD8WV. Oh, I would use the QCX for Field Day and maybe even POTA!
I would build the unit for bug out kit, and some portable outings for the public to see how ham radio is
Same thing I do with my other small radios: take it out into the field and operate. HF Is largely useless at my home (too much noise from all the electronics in my house and my neighbors’ houses), so it’s fun to get out into a park or whatever and operate from there.
I already have a 20m QCX and I have other single band radios for 40, so I would build this one for 80 to get in some late night operation at overnight events.
I will thoroughly enjoy building it a will attempt to contact infinity and beyond with 5 watts or less.
The QCX kit looks like fun to build and would give me practice doing tortious. In addition it would give me a good excuse to get my Morse code proficiency back. Have not used it is some time.
I will use the QCX for 40 meters. I already have one on 30 meters.
I’ll put the QCX in my 5th wheel RV, 30 or 40m, haven’t decided. Either would e a great addition to my station!
de KK7J
Be great to have something to build in these isolated times.
Build it for 20m to make a nice pair with my QCX40 and then teach my 14 year old licensed son, CW!
I would like a 40m version to take out portable once this Lockdown is done with.
Considering beacon or WSPR.
I have limited funds and It would be wonderful to have a nice small radio that isn’t “rock-bound” for camping/hiking use!
use as a teaching aid for our club’s trainees..they will take turns to build various sections of it to get them homebrewing
I want to build one for 40 meters to use backpacking N4HNO
I wouldn’t my 8 year old help me build it (he’s showing an interest in electronics and ham radio) then set it up for 40 meters as a WSPR beacon and use it on occasion as a QRP backpacking kit. The QCX is a fantastic little rig.
Would love to use this on 40 meter CW.
Been using an old Yaesu FT-7, but this gear would be much more portable!
I’m wanting a portable rig to get reacquainted with CW. W0DDD
I would take it with me up to the cottage and make contacts right on the beach!
Portable operation while backpacking. SOTA and POTA!
Learn CW!
I’ll call you CQ CQ
I will use this at the park when I can finally get out of the house!
I will use it for SOTA
I’d be one of the few CW voices on 30 meters, as I very rarely hear people on that band. Be fun to try though an EFHW or something.
I enjoy building and would put an 80 meter QCX to good use.
I fancy a 30m version as my radio doesnt have that band, and I think I am missing out when contests are running on other bands. I dont mind contests but Sometimes its nice to get away for some QRP rag-chew contacts..
Like Juddie Burgess I receive your emails so I believe I’m already subscribed. I would build the QCX as my first venture into QRP radio.
I would go to some local parks and operate portable. A local group does it for field day and I would join them (if we are out of quarantine then). I have wanted a QCX for a while but haven’t been able to swing it.
Thank you for the chance.
I’m learning cw right and I would be using it for SOTA activations.
This is awesome!
There’s a lot of CW activity in my area on 40m, I would love to use it to respond back! Have been learning CW for the past few months already.
Go bag with lipo and efhw and American Morse key on 40M.
This would be great radio to use with my son
I would be using it for SOTA activations.
Have some summer fun, lockeddown in the garden playing morse to the neighbours !
N6SPD, I would teach my Grandson about electronics and Amateur Radio. Since we are at home why not learn an amazing Skill and Hobby…
If I’m lucky enough to win, I’d use it to demonstrate to the Scouts at GB2GP that you can build something yourself; that doesn’t run Megawatts; and doesn’t cost the earth, to speak to people all over the world and make new friends…!
I won’t trade it for world peace. I won’t sell it to benefit rescue animals. I won’t put it in an industrial blender to see “if it blends.” I will use it on the air, however. Isn’t that enough? 🙂
Learn CW!
I would build the kit ( i enjoy building more than op’ing ) and then gift the lil rig to a fellow ham who needs a radio but can’t afford one.
Easy! SOTA! Once lockdown ends of course 🙂 73s
The build!
I will use the QCX to learn CW! I got up to 5 WPM when the M5 licence came along (and got MI5AFL) and then they dropped the requirement for Morse altogether. I just need a “jog” to pick it up again…
73 de Ian/MI5AFL
v51ma.. lost my entire shack and your kit could help me explore qrp dx and keep me occupied while rebuilding my station.. shalom V51MA 73’s
I would build it and put it in my backpack for portable use. Also very cool for some of the test equipment it can supplement. It would also force me to learn CW a bit faster 🙂
I have a qcx/40 and would like to use a qcx/20 especially when camping. k8ar
Get CW down and hopefully get my fist to be less of a hammer.
I’d add it to my pack and use it for field events.
I want to see what kind of digital modes I can squeeze out of it.
To teach my grandchildren, 2 teens, they can make, create, accomplish, without needing store bought.
Encourage new hams to learn and enjoy CW with Summits on the Air. .
Since getting my amateur radio license I’ve not been so active. I’ll use the ocx to try out cw communications.
Get my wife some more soldering practice and experiment with the QCX-SSB conversion.
I have a terrible hole in my portable operating repertoire: I need a 17 meter radio for my out and about trips. Plus I love to build things. Country QRP Operators like me need to keep occupied.
I will use the QCX to learn, get into the hf bands for the first time, for inspiration in my own builds, and for SOTA activations.
I shall learn building it and shall use it in field operations
Build up a 20m version for xOTA 😉
Give it as an anniversary present to my wife who was a ham way before we got married and got me into it! This will be a great new way for her to have fun while we are in “stay at home mode”. (major great husband points!)
Build a 2nd one into a portable SOTA ready case.
Hello, I am a new ham, living on the Laurentian Continental Divide in Minnesota. I have been able to put up antennas, restored a HQ-129-X and a BC-221-F so far, but haven’t put a transmitter together yet due to physical disability and financial constraints. I was hoping to find a Hammarlund HX-Fifty-A but have had little luck so far. I love old school stuff, and it is what I understand (Hollowstate Equipment). If I were to win the QCX kit, it would be the first solid state piece I have ever experimented with, and would most definitely set up a QRP CW station. I think something as small as the QCX could be mounted on my chair running it “Mobile” he he. Anyway cheers and 73
I like to operate form local parks. It usually draws a few stares followed by questions. Several have decided to get ticket and join the ranks . I love the look on a face when they hear morse code and see the locations of ppl I have had a QSO with.
We live kind of an off-grid life in the summer, going to the mountains and engage in reindeer herding among other things. Nice to have the QCX to go along. Not to mention the joy of building it!
I live in a nursing home where the home installed a 130′ EFHW. I will you the little rig on CW which is my favorite mode and enter the world of QRP..
I live in a QRM hell-hole and getting out is the only way to avoid this – it will also be the kick to learn morse!
I will be taking it on SOTA activations and other outdoor operating events. Being able to run WSPR and other weak signal modes will also help test antennas while out in the field.
I would install QCX, my Acer Aspire computer and a suitable antenna on my motorcycle. I can then contact my friends on Hellschreiber when travelling. This makes me a true Helll-rider.
Travel around the hilly areas in North India for QRM free hammimg….
Yes I want one
I plan to use this to learn cw and kit building.
would love one of these kits to build in lock down. been QRP all my ham life.
Survive the quarantene, will be longer then expected 😢
I’d do the WSPR mod and have it up and running permanently as an indicator of conditions.
I would carry it during my trips to my parents’ place where I go every month (600km down south from where I live) and use it with an EFHW antenna.
I have not tried any of your products as of yet
Just to be clear: This is a QRP Labs product, I’m just coordinating a giveaway. Hans is not sponsoring this.
As I technician license holder, I’d use this to get started in amateur radio kit building and break into HF once I get my general license.
Compare it to my bitx40.
I’d use it for either 30 or 17 meters since I do not have a rig for either of those bands.
I do have a QCX-40 which I really like.
I want to learn Morse.
A qcx 30 would do just fine, would like to build it in into an old transistor radio cabinet. Would be great to tkae it on SOTA tours and outings in nature.
I would relearn CW and operate portable from nearby parls.
I like Qrp mode..40m is my favorite band !
If I win the transceiver I will use to get my CW speed back to where it was.
could just be the kick in the pants I need to get my speed above 1WPH
Get back on the air. Had to sell all my gear in 2009 after two drug addicts kicked in my face and back while robbing me. The surgeons required my Medicare copay before the surgery. (They were on a spree that day. Currently serving 20 years.)
Thanks for the opportunity to win a QCX kit. I’ve been inactive for a long time and have recently started acquiring everything I need to get an operating station back on the air. The QCX would be a great addition and would allow me to do portable operation.
I’ll put it next to my other QCX
I would use the QCX with my club to show new Ham’s during training
I would use the 80m version and put it in a Paraset-like case to pay homage to the WW2 spies who used such radios during the war.
Matt, you might enjoy this project:
I teach electronics classes in Maker labs and will make great use of a portable Ham rig for demonstrations. I experiment a lot with WSPR, love CW, and especially like building QRP projects.
Building the QCX will encourage me to to finally learn CW!
Would like to use QCX for beacon work and experimenting
Play radio of course.
I’d probably choose a QCX-40 to join my QCX-30 and QCX-20. They are FB examples of what can be done by skilled designers with current technology.
I would integrate it into our towns CERT (Citizens emergency response team) program.
20M POTA rig
I really enjoy the building part; already have a 40. Great radio! I would build this one to give away to a friend who has mentored me in CW.
I would like to give WSPR a try. It will be fun to watch the results as the sun spot cycle start returning.
Practicing more CW with the QCX! And, besides CW QSO I would use it for SSB, FT8 and JS8 as described here:
As our clubs instructor, I would build and then use the QCX in training sessions
I would love to try POTA with this little rig
I regularly use my 40M QCX and would love to use the 20M version. I am adding a “portable” CAT interface for the rig and will soon be writing it up in an article. It will be Open Source.
I love QRP. I would build a 20 meter QCX radio.
hike in the mountains, talk from the summits and the valleys, commune with Mother Nature and all her creatures,
I’d like to get on the air and practice my (almost nonexistent) CW skills. From my experiences with SSB QRP ops, I’ve found them to be a very accepting and helpful group and I’m sure the CW group will be just as tolerant and helpful.
I would love to have the 40 Meter version for State Parks on the Air work..
I’ll use the QCX to drive my Morse code competence and improve my ability to work DX.
It would be a lovely little radio to take to work for my lunch breaks.
Especially as I’m on a unsociable shift due to covid.
I would love to use this backpacking, maybe SOTA and for when the XYL and I go camping at the Vermont State Parks we usually frequent many times during the warmer months! Plus, I do not have a QSX and would love to own one! I hear they are awesome! 73 all. Bob de K2KI
I would use the QCX to improve my CW
I’d polish up my CW and take the qcx on journeys about my area and to give demonstrations at local schools, scouting groups, etc.
Going portable and work QRP. I am 73 years of age and build quite a few QRP rigs. I am sure QCX has the answer and meets the demand!
Help my daughter build it. She is in love with CW and this would be a great rig for her very own!
Like qrp-labs product very much. Like to build 20m qcx again. Already fail 2.
I enjoy building and using QRP Labs kits. They are very well designed. This one will be used for public demonstration events like field day.
Will use QCX 30m at home, in my QTH, for QSO and WSPR beacon.
wspr beacon for my area and cw beacon
Thanks for doing this to spread a bit more QCX joy!
QCX 30m for WSPR and regular QSO.
Have fun building it and then use it mobile and POTA.
I would take it down to Mount Scott near Lawton and operate portable SOTA from there, then travel over to Chickasaw National Refuge and other high traffic (people) areas showing the capabilities of amateur radio to the public. Kind of like mini-Field Day.
Gonna be my backpacking QRP rig.
I would build a WSPR beacon! Thanks! Alex, KC0REL
I will set it up on my sailboat and operate “On the Air on the Water!” AC2SG
Scouting events!
SOTA activations and /p operating on 40m with my fishing pole vertical
Want to explore it for QRP “Picnic Table Portable,” and decide on a good case for it.
Thinking about putting it on 60 Meters
Would love to get on the air portable!
Make some portable QSO’s during my lunch time.
Want to try the SSB hack for the QCX from pe1nnz
WSPR experiments! 73!
I would build it with my nephew to try and get him hooked on electronics & amateur radio.
I want to build one for my local radio club, 73 9A3EJO
Great rig to sit out on the porch with!!
I would build a 20m version for easy portability!
80metres CW comes alive in the UK from the autumn. QRP contacts are very regular and great fun, even with simple aerials. It would give me the summer to construct the rig and something to look forward to using in those dark winter evenings.
I would like to use CW on 40m. QRP contacts are regular for us in India on 40mts almost round the year in the evenings.
I’m trying to learn CW – I’ll use mine to practice on – should be the incentive I need to do my first QSO
Use it while camping.
It would be a perfect kit to help me learn code. I would build a nice enclosure for it and take it with me on bike rides in the mountains.
Operate from home. It will be set up to operate on my 3 element beam on 20 meters. I love QRP. W4FKM
I would operate from my local beach.
At least 10dB extra when next to the sea !
I’ve been working on QRP and portable setups lately and have been looking for something like the QCX. I’m trying to get a QRP setup that I’ve built from the ground up, so kits are a great jumpstart. I’ve also been working with Raspberry Pi to integrate with the radios for things like WSPR, digital modes, and general ham functions like logging. My goal is to have everything I need to do QRP HF in a small, portable bag I can stuff in a backpack and run off battery/solar. Thanks for all the great info on your site!
Love to use it along with BITX furst endutio kit whhihch I have not yet assembled
I would like to build a 40m version of the kit for a new young ham that lives near here. He doesn’t have much money and it would make him a great start.