Hey everyone- been a busy few months lately. Between bad health, travelling, and then working hard just take care of Live Stuff, I’ve hardly had time for the Ye Olde Blog! I’ll try to write more regularly. A lot of my attention has been going to YouTube and in this series, starting with the video …
Category: FT8
Oct 09
QRP Labs Goes Digital: The QDX Arrives!
We all know QRP Labs, purveyors of QRP kits, headed by QRP Hall of Fame member Hans Summers. They’re known primarily for the QCX and its variant, the QCX+ and QCX Mini. But today, Hans released a new product that’s sure to shake up the QRP Digital world: The QDX, a four band QRP digital …
May 27
SSB and Digital with… a QCX?
In January 2019, a ham named Guido, PE1NNZ posted to the QRP Labs groups.io group. The title of the post was “QCX-SSB: SSB with your QCX transceiver“.If you’re familiar with the QCX, then you’ll realize that this is a profound statement! The QCX is a high performance 5w CW transceiver. So how on earth did …
Dec 14
QSX Update and Winter Project Ideas
Most of us have been waiting patiently for the QSX, but some have been waiting a little less patiently. Unfortunately this has put a lot of pressure on Hans over at QRP Labs, but he’s stood his ground: It’ll be ready when it’s ready, because quality comes first. And to that we say, bravo! Given …
Dec 03
The Phaser: A Digital Only QRP Radio Kit
Recently we looked at a digital DSB transceiver kit for FT8 that’s been making the rounds, and talked about the pros and cons of such a design. There’s also been discussion about the DSB digital FT8 rigs on several groups.io and Facebook groups. Another vendor has entered into the arena of digital-only QRP radios. It …
Oct 22
DSB Digital: Friend, or Foe?
I recently became aware that there are companies selling Double Side Band radios for use on digital HF frequencies (FT8 specifically) on 40m, 30m, and 20m. In this post we’re going to take a look at what these rigs are, what they were originally designed for, and then you can decide whether these should be …
Feb 28
QSX Update: February 2019
It’s the last day of February 2019, and if you’re like me you’ve been waiting ever so patiently for QRP Labs to release their upcoming QSX all-band HF rig. It’s slated to be feature packed SDR based radio, starting out as a 40 meter radio but will be expandable to cover all bands between 160 …
Feb 07
The W7RLF BITX40: Finished at last!
Last year I thought the BITX40 was “done”. It successfully worked on 80, 40, 30, and 20m. It was truly multi-band! The trick to doing that was to make the Band Pass and Low Pass filters pluggable using QRP Labs filters. One only needed to open the radio, change the filters, and retune the VFO. …
Jan 11
QSX Update: January 2019
We know that Hans Summers of QRP Labs has been working hard on the QSX for many months. Hans unfortunately had to deal with some rather worrisome health issues. Those are handled now and he’s back in action, and work on the QSX is progressing steadily. On Wednesday 9, 2019 he did a presentation for …
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